Implementing the Voluntary Principles on Security and Human Rights Through SIMS

Implementing the Voluntary Principles on Security and Human Rights Through SIMS

Topic: Sustainability / Corporate

As a member of MAC and the WGC, Eldorado is committed to providing a safe and secure working environment for our employees, contractors and visitors and managing security-related human rights risks through implementation of the Voluntary Principles on Security and Human Rights.

Eldorado’s SIMS was developed in alignment with the VPSHR and security and human rights-related requirements of MAC-TSM and the WGC’s RGMPs, and it is the principal mechanism by which actions toward conformance with these corporate commitments regarding security and human rights are managed and administered. The SIMS Security Performance Standards include conducting risk assessments consistent with the VPSHR and implementing systems and programs appropriate to the risks identified. Compliance with SIMS is verified at the operations level through internal compliance verifications and self-assessments, as well as external assessments by a credible third party.

Formal complaints and grievances pertaining to security and human rights may be reported through our third-party whistleblower reporting agency as well as our employee or external grievance mechanisms.

Despite Eldorado’s relatively lower-risk exposure to human rights risks, based on operating jurisdictions and management controls in place, we intend to continually improve our application of the VPSHR through the implementation of SIMS. Key findings from assessments and verifications inform action plans for each operation, outlining specific recommendations and responsibilities to address the risks identified, along with appropriate controls.

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