Continuing to build our health and safety culture

Continuing to build our health and safety culture

Topic: Sustainability / Corporate

People are at the core of our business, and their health and safety is the top priority in everything we do. This is a commitment to our people, their families and the communities in which we operate.

Our health and safety strategy aims to prevent occupational fatalities, serious injuries and diseases while building and maintaining a positive culture for health and safety. Today, there is a lot to be proud of across our operations. Countless individuals and teams work together every day to ensure their workplace is safe and healthy. Their efforts are reflected in our achievements over the last year. We are driven to continue empowering our people to make a difference by being courageous health and safety leaders, speaking up, identifying hazards and implementing adequate controls.

The safety performance numbers highlighted below are important markers of the progress we’ve made and areas for continued improvement. The story behind the numbers is our people. People who helped building practices and processes to prevent injuries or exposures. While we are proud of the progress we made, we still had recordable injuries, and know we still have more to do to send everyone home safely to their families every day.


In 2023, we evolved our process for investigating and sharing outcomes and learnings for Potentially Fatal Occurrences (PFO), the most significant health and safety events. We have since seen progress, with a 20% reduction in our PFO frequency rate.

We also marked a 63% reduction in our Lost-Time Injury Frequency Rate (LTIRF) at our operations —the lowest in our 12 years of reporting. At Kışladağ, we’re pleased to report a fourth consecutive year with no lost-time injuries. However, Efemçukuru and Lamaque recorded their first LTIs in five and four years, respectively.

Our health and safety journey must continue. We missed our 2023 Total Recordable Injury Frequency Rate (TRIFR) target for operations and both our 2023 LTIFR and 2023 TRIFR targets for Skouries.


Our global site teams continued to deliver corrective actions through leadership safety engagements and targeted toolbox talks around appropriate use of tools and equipment, and hand safety. We are committed to continuing to improve our health and safety performance and strengthening our culture of health and safety. We are focused on engaging across our workforce and implementing proactive measures as we strive toward eliminating potential fatalities, serious injuries and occupational diseases.

Looking forward, we will seek to increase our focus on leading indicators, incident investigation and the concept of high potential for safety incidents, to foster a deeper understanding of incident root causes toward incident prevention. We are thankful for our team’s continued dedication to operating safely

To learn more about our health and safety programs, check out the 2023 Sustainability Report.

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